New medical aid website set to take the South African market by storm offering competitive medical aid rates
Ever since year 2000, the Labour Court Acceleration Act is in force, a law to simplify and speed up labour court proceedings
An important reason for dismissal and immediate termination of the service contract of managing directors of limited liability companies
Combined offers are when merchandise is offered at an extremely low price and only in connection with the purchase of a main product.
If you always feel like you have a cold, and your nose is constantly stuffed up — there might be more to it than you think.
The world of eCommerce can be complex. If you want to succeed in your online business then you can benefit from the help and support of experts like ITQ Solutions.
Even for very busy companies, bad payment behavior by customers may soon turn into a major problem
The UG, Entrepreneurial Company with limited liability is a special type of GmbH. It is also called a mini-GmbH and is a fairly recent addition to German company law
Experience has shown that the payment moral decreases constantly. More and more frequently private persons and companies defer to liabilities to pay.
Right kind of legal support and use of legal aids is capable of saving individuals from life-paralyzing IRS audit problems, as told by Tax Attorney Shamsey T. Oloko
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